# Pull Request

When we've been working on something, and we want that work to be included in the main branch of the project (or in any other branch), you need to create a pull request.

A pull request or PR, is a request that you make in a github repo to ask to review and include certain code.

In order to make a pull request in a github repo, go to:

  • Pull Requests
  • New Pull Request
  • Compare Changes to pick the branches:
    • base is the destination branch, the branch into we want to merge
    • compare is the origin branch, the branch that we want to be merged
  • Before confirm, you can see the info of the PR displayed:
    • commits that are going to be included
    • modified files
  • Once you checked everything: Create Pull Request
  • You can include a description in the PR

Once created, you can assign reviewers to the PR, so other people can review, comment, and approbe the PR.

If ther are modifications that need to be made, the reviewer can write down comments to indicate the changes you need to make to the code, before approving and merging the PR.

Once approved, the PR can be merged, and your branch will be merged into the base branch, including all the commits that contains your work.