# Typical Workflow

The most usual workflow with git and github is the following:

You need to implement a feature-x

Local Repo:

  • Update local base branch with the remote branch (ie: git pull origin develop)
  • Create a new branch from the base branch: git checkout -b feature-x
  • Do the necessary work and coding.
  • Add the files you want to include in the stagin area: git add
  • Once the work is done, commit necessary files: git commit -m'feat: create feature x'
  • Push your branch to the remote: git push origin feature-x

Remote Repo:

  • Create a new pull request
  • base: develop <-- compare: feature-x
  • Add reviewers
  • Make corrections if necesary
  • The PR is approved and merged
  • Delete feature-x branch (it's not necessary anymore)
  • Celebrate! 🎉