# Units

There are two types of lengths that can be found in CSS: absolute & relative. It's important to know the difference between then in order to understand how big things will become.

# Absolutes units

The absolute length units aren't relative to anything else. That means that they will be the same regardless of screen size.

px is the most widely used measurement unit. A pixel doesn't actually correlate to a physical pixel on your screen.

Anothers absolute length units include:

Unit Name
cm Centimeters
mm Millimeters
pt Points
pc Picas
in Inches
Q Quarter-millimeters

# Relatives units

Relative length units don’t have fixed values. Their values are relative to another value or feature (height, font-size, width). Relative units are more useful in web design because with them it's easy to properly size elements.

Unit Relative to
em the width of a capital letter M of the font-size of the current element.
rem the “root” element (:root {}) rather than using the cascade, like em does
vw the viewport width, it represents a percentage of the viewport width. 25vw means 25% of the viewport width.
vh the viewport height, it represents a percentage of the viewport height. 75vh means 75% of the viewport height.
vmin it represents a percentage of the viewport's smaller dimension.
vmax it represents a percentage of the viewport's larger dimension.

# Percentages

Percentages are another useful measure, they let you specify values in percentages of that parent element’s corresponding property

.container {
  height: 600px;

.child {
  height: 75%; /* = 450px */